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2007.5-2009 Cummins 6.7 - EZ Lynk TCM Transmission Tuning

2007.5-2009 Cummins 6.7 - EZ Lynk TCM Transmission Tuning

Regular price $280.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $280.00 USD
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If you have a 68RFE transmission and would like to maximize reliably and efficiency. Add our Transmission tuning to your tune pack!

Our Transmission tuning is industry leading with lots of R&D time and effort. CA Tuning provides industry leading 68RFE Transmission tuning for 2007-Present Ram Trucks. We took our in-house knowledge from building hands on 900+HP 68RFE transmissions and applied our specialty tuning to them. – Yes, you are reading this correctly. Your calibrator BUILDS transmissions. What more could you want for firsthand experience!

Key Aspects:

You will no longer be lugging gears with over sized tires on your truck. We specifically make “purposed built” trans tuning for your tire size and gear ratio. We have the capability to keep OEM Part lock TC behaviors or upgrade them to Locked Shifts. On top of that, Torque converter firmness can be kept in a stock feel or enhance to a firm early lockup. We have options to lock in 2nd, 3rd, or 4th gear. Our highest seller is 3rd TC Stock feel. If you are looking to put all the power to the ground with a 68RFE. Look no further, we can achieve that for you with locked shifts.

We add Line pressure when and where needed within the calibration. Our TCM tuning is compatible with all large name Transmission building companies. whether you’re running a stock valve body(180PSI) or aftermarket (225PSI). We provide TCM files specifically to your build/request.
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